Why Your Family Needs A Custom-Built 72-Hour Emergency Tote...
2 min read
Why Your Family Needs A Custom-Built 72-Hour Emergency Tote...
2 min read
No one likes to think about impending disasters or what they'd do in a zombie apocalypse!!! That's not fun at all. But being prepared for when a storm knocks out the power or you can't make it to the grocery due to 12ft of snow, now THAT is something to make you feel good!
Let me share some simple tips that will make you the rockstar of the next calamity and guide you through the simple process of organizing these essential items that could save your life.
During my time as a Navy SEAL, I learned that the easiest way to organize my gear was with a ruggedized plastic tote. I recommend having this customized emergency tote on-hand at all times because it's tidy, easily labeled, and doesn't take up much space.
The Family Distaster Tote That Does Double Duty:
Home Emergency or Evacuation
Research, analyze, test, and reanalyze.... NOPE! We've done that for you. Simply follow my lead, check out the recommendations on Amazon, and snag the things you don't have. I've taken the guesswork out of what to get. Read, gather, organize, and flourish... That sounds way better!
Here's how Plan2Survive Lite works:
There are 9 topics you'll go through over the next few weeks.
Clean Water
Food Storage & Cooking
Emergency Power
Outdoor Survival
Gear For Vehicle
Medical Must Have’s
We'll email you weekly – section by section – to give you time to gather each small list.
Each section is mission critial to your family's safety. Included in each section are easy to use amazon shopping lists of gear to collect.
By the end, you will have a custom-built Emergency Tote for your family with gear I've personally chosen and used myself.
You got this!
I'm also extremely good at breaking stuff and wouldn't recommend something I didn't trust.
Want to keep your emergency gear organized? Check out Plan2 Survive
A Word From Anders Hayes, Retired US Navy SEAL
I hope you enjoy interacting with our content as much as we enjoy creating it. My goal is to make your life easier by imparting the knowledge I've gained over the past 25 years. We at ReadyMan Publishing work tirelessly to produce meaningful content that will help you care for your family and reduce the stresses of the daily grind. Follow us for more!
As always, don’t get caught without a plan.
Written by: Anders Hayes | Retired Navy SEAL | Goat Herder (part-time)